Cross Fire

MAY 2005 SAW THE FIRST CROSS FIRE EVENT - a partnership between Cross Rhythms and Gilead Foundations

Glenn Kaiser
Glenn Kaiser

Held at Gilead Foundations, Risdon Farm, Okehampton, Devon it was 3 days of music, teaching, training, food, fun and friendship

Cross Fire wasn't a festival, it was an event with the purpose of resourcing a generation to reach the hurting with the love of Christ. The biggest change was slightly less emphasis given to the music, and a major move towards helping people learn about and get involved in ministering to some of the most hurting individuals in our society. People are literally dying every day because there aren't enough equipped workers available to help them.

Speakers and artists who were at the event included: John Gaughn, Lisa Twydell, Glenn Kaiser, Tony Fitzgerald, Dr Clem Ferris, Michael Dye and more.

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