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Article Title: Shane Lynch: The Ex-Boyzone Singer Talks About His New Life
Author of reported comment: Joshua Chee
Comment Date: 22:32 on Nov 14 2009
Comment: Shane, it was great to see you at a church in Manchester probably on Tuesday nite a couple years ago or so. I won't tell you which church but I am sure you may remember me ..err..this china man. During the question time, I guess I was the third person to ask you : What would you like to do most for God?". You replied in a humble way that you would do what ever you can...well something like that.If God's willing, hope we get to meet again and work together reaching out youths in some areas of Manchester. Just wait upon the Lord. God bless ya. P/s...Please tell Robbie. His latest song was surprisingly amazing. Bodies...interesting. ta.
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